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Couples, Reconnected
From Rough Patch to Connected in 21 Days
You know it's possible, right?
The two of you being good together again.
Stronger and more connected than you've been in a long time.
Enjoying each other's company, wanting to tell each other things that have nothing to do with the kids' schedules or the Target shopping list.
Spending time together again - and wanting to do so.
Seeing her face light up again when you walk through the door.
Holding hands as you walk the dogs.
It's not like any of this is new. But Covid certainly didn't help.
The disconnect. More distance. Feeling bad about where things are.
You pretending to work late only to avoid the awkwardness of shared bedtime routines. Feeling the pain like you've never felt before.
The hard part...
So many things getting in your way - You're both still working from home, helping your kids manage. Helping them feel connected, driving all around town to make sure their needs are met.
All the things you'd want to do? They're not all happening yet either.
Plus, babysitters are hard to find. Your parents - the same people who used to jump at every opportunity to see their grandbabies - they don't want to risk it.
There is a lot of 'togetherness' no doubt - more than you'd like. But it's not the kind of togetherness you want. Completely exhausted with no bandwidth to come up with ideas to bring your relationship back to life.
As a result, your relationship gets very little attention. You can't remember the last time you two had time alone together that didn't include a remote and falling asleep five minutes into whatever it was you were watching.
You know you can’t put it off anymore and ignore the state of the affairs - It’s too important for that. It's your marriage we are talking about. Your family.
Now, the good news...
It doesn't take a month-long sabbatical at an abandoned island.
No need to quit your jobs either or get a marriage therapist to move in with you.
Imagine this:
You two, back to a place when things were good.
You paying attention to her, her paying attention to you.
You knowing again she loves the crud out of you even on a "bad" day.
Appreciated. Seen. Understood.
No more of that "not good enough" nonsense.
You could leave her speechless by having one surprise after another - until she realizes this is for real. That it's not a fluke of some kind.
And that it's here to stay.
Best part? ​
21 days is all you need to start.
You could knock her socks off (literally even!) by bringing this home. I can't promise it'll happen on day 1, but you just wait.
The 21 Day Couples Reconnect Challenge is here.
for a limited time get
the best price we will ever offer!
Here's how it works:
Every morning - for the next 21 days -
you will receive an email with exactly what to do.
And then - you just do it.
(Kind of like the footwear commercial that shall remain unnamed.)
Yes, it’s that simple.
One day at a time, you will find your way to one another.
Slow and steady, the walls will come down.
You'll exercise the muscle again that you've been forgetting to put to use
over the last several months.
(Years, maybe even? It's alright - you are here now.)
You'll keep working at it.
Until you each feel seen, understood and loved.
No more feeling like strangers.
No more being annoyed with every little thing.
No more avoiding each other in the kitchen.
Looking forward to time together instead of dreading it all day long.
You might even forget what all the resentment was about.
All you have to do is open the email, read it & put it to work.
I promise.
You & your spouse, together.
You two can be close again. It's totally doable.
This program was created with real couples in mind, like you.
Best news of all? You can start right now. TODAY!
YES, I want IN!
for a limited time get
the best price we will ever offer!
When the pandemic started, I made a prediction -- That at the end of it, we would either have a baby boom (of first time parents only, of course) OR we will have provided job security for divorce attorneys all across the country for years to come.
I wasn't far off. The only thing I didn't account for was the influx of fur babies everywhere.
So many other things came first, taking priority. No matter how much couples like you were struggling, their marriage took a back seat. Making yourselves comfortable there, all the while knowing that at some point, things would have to change.
Now, don't get me wrong - I didn't want to be right. But one after another, seeing couples come into my office in great distress has proven otherwise. Seeing them disconnected, discouraged beyond belief, tired of being on different wavelengths YET STILL knowing they cared about each other deeply and really wanted to make things better. Wanting for the rough patch to be gone. And you being here right now tells me you are one, too.
Why YOU should listen to ME
As a relationship expert, not only do I have a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy & RLT certification, I've been specializing in working with couples for 10 years in my private practice. I've also gotten additional on the job training being married to my engineer husband for 15 years. So - I've seen a thing or two AND learned a thing or two first hand.
And, contrary to common belief, our marriage hasn't always been perfect. We've had to adjust, talk about a lot of things and come back to the basics many times over the years. We've had to do our own work. Just like you. Can't hire this stuff out.
My name is Danka and I work at Bogott Counseling where all we are about is HELPING COUPLES SUCCEED.
Many couples I’ve spoken with and have worked with since understand the importance of investing into their relationship but with everything else on their plate, they don’t know how to make it happen. Which is precisely why I wanted to find a way to help you make it happen and -- Voila! --
The 21 Day Couples Reconnect Challenge was born.
Want to Learn More?
Take a look. Here’s a sneak peek:
Still not convinced? Here's what others said:
I loved the program - each day has been so good!
- Sarah M.
I'm not very creative and I don't always know what my wife wants or needs. She LOVED this so much, she was actually looking forward to our daily email. It's a no-brainer. Just do it!
- Darren W.
Is there a 365-day version of this?
- Lizabeth E.
It was honestly transformational to see that we could redirect such a small portion of our time and energy every single day and get SO MUCH in return.
- Alex P.
You can either:
Do nothing, keep things as they are,
wondering every Friday night why,
for the millionth time, you feel so disconnected from your wife
even though she's sleeping just inches away --
You can decide right here, right now,
that you are NOT willing to keep putting your marriage
on the back burner anymore and do something about it.
You know you need to.
It's been too long - You both deserve it.
Get everything you need to make that happen.
You are gonna love it.
And guess what?
She's gonna love it even more.
Trust me.
You won't regret it, not even for a minute.
It's gonna be one of those mind blown experiences.
Is there anything better than that?
That's what I am selling you on:
A better version of your relationship with the person you love & care about the most.
Make The 21 Day Couples Reconnect Challenge YOURS
for a limited time get
the best price we will ever offer!
Now, listen.
If you get this challenge & you do all the things - all twenty one of them - and you get to the end of the challenge not feeling closer
to your wife than you did when you started - I will give you your money back. Day twenty two, you reach out to me.
You'll need to show me proof so keep notes as you go along.
It only makes sense, right? -- You gotta do the work for it to work.
So, know that the money back guarantee is there. You have nothing to lose.
BUT -- I know you won't want it. I have seen it happen. Consistent effort and time invested in your marriage pays off. ALWAYS.
With the right kind of action? It's a win-win situation. That's what I'm offering you here.